Pensions & retirement planning

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Pensions & retirement planning

Whatever pension and retirement planning  arrangements you have in place, you’ll want them to provide a comfortable standard of living for you throughout your retirement.

I can provide the knowledge and expertise to make sense of the options available to you and help ensure that a fulfilling retirement becomes a reality.
At OW Financial Planning, I will take an objective look at your current situation, assessing your existing arrangements and formulating detailed proposals on any alternative or additional provisions that it might be necessary to make.

Whether you are seeking advice and wealth management on a pension sharing order, the implications of the Lifetime Allowance (LTA) or the pros and cons of an annuity purchase versus income drawdown, I have the expertise to assist.

Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

The value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise. Capital values are at risk and not guaranteed.

Investment &

Our savings & investment advisers help you make confident decisions about your money.

Pensions &

We’re on hand to assist you in ensuring your post-retirement life is financially secure.

inheritance Tax planning

Our advisers and will be able to prepare you and your family for a time when you are no longer here.

Expert Independent Financial Adviser.

Whatever stage of life, it is never too late or too early to speak to an independent financial adviser. Take the hassle out of financial planning. Get in touch to discuss your goals today.